Tourist Curiosities: 15 Things You Didn't Know

Tourist Curiosities: 15 Things You Didn't Know

So, did you know that:

  1. At any given moment, there are no fewer than 70,000 people airborne over the United States alone?
  2. In East Africa, you can buy banana beer? It's known by various names depending on the country, such as urwaga, nokrars, ruabitoke, and so on.
  3. Approximately €3,000 are thrown into the Trevi Fountain in Rome every day? The money is collected at night and then donated to noble causes.
  4. Indonesia has the most volcanoes of any country in the world?
  5. The Amazon rainforest produces half of the Earth's oxygen?
  6. The Hawaiian Islands were originally called the Sandwich Islands? And did you know that the Hawaiian alphabet originally consisted of just 12 letters?
  7. Was London the first city in the world to reach a population of 1 million people?
  8. More than 80% of rose species in the world originate from Asia?
  9. In many museums in Paris, admission is free on the first Monday of each month? Even if no entrance fee is charged to tourists, there's still a donation box in the museums.
  10. In some countries, the dining culture in upscale restaurants is so developed that some chefs immediately resign if they notice customers adding salt or pepper to the dishes served? Switzerland is one of these countries.
  11. The most illuminated (artificial) place on Earth is Las Vegas? The lights of the city can be seen even from space.
  12. Is there a fruit park in Asheville where anyone can go and eat fruit for free?
  13. It's unknown exactly where the tallest trees in the world are located? In fact, this is kept secret precisely to prevent tourists from rushing and spoiling the surroundings.
  14. Is the hand gesture "OK" considered offensive in Brazil and some Middle Eastern countries?
  15. If you wanted to visit all the airports in the world, would you end up spending more than a third of your time in the United States?