How to overcome the fear of flying?
Even the bravest person sometimes experiences unpleasant feelings at the sight of the airplane they are about to fly on. And a particularly intense onset of aerophobia occurs when you take that coveted step onto the staircase that separates you from the ground.
"What if the plane crashes?" - everyone without exception asks themselves. However, for many, this question remains just one of many philosophical problems, but for some, the answer to this question becomes a reason for panic and escape, which they cannot suppress. Such fear can significantly complicate your life, as air travel, often lasting several hours, is an integral part of many people's lives.
Air travel also implies travel to distant countries and visiting relatives. How to overcome aerophobia and finally allow yourself to live a full life?
Do you have aerophobia or are you just a little nervous?
First of all, let's find out if you have aerophobia or not. Almost everyone experiences some discomfort and anxiety during a flight, but calling all these unpleasant emotions a fear of flying would be incorrect. True fear of flying makes a person avoid flights, and if avoiding them is impossible, then the nerves of the unfortunate person will be on edge.
The most serious cases of aerophobia can be treated by a psychologist, and it's fortunate that there are specialists in this field. Pilots, flight attendants, and other personnel, for whom daily flights have become a part of life, are often invited to courses, and psychologists teach their clients to control their fear.
If the fear of flying is not too strong, then you can cope with it on your own. But! First of all, let's talk about the methods you should not resort to.
What not to do when afraid of flying:
- First of all, you should not consume alcohol as a sedative. Of course, there is no need to explain why.
- Secondly, there is no point in studying detailed information about the aircraft, as well as searching the Internet for information about accidents involving this type of aircraft, no matter how much you may want to.
As you step onto the aircraft ramp, remember that the airplane is currently the safest mode of transportation in the world. How often do you hear about airplane crashes?
Yes, such incidents do happen occasionally, but not every day. However, if you take into account how many flights are made every day worldwide, it will be evident that airplane crashes are a rarity.
Over 5 billion people fly by airplanes annually. The total number of fatalities in air crashes is 400-500 people. One person doesn't return from a flight out of 10 million people. In other words, one person dies in Europe each year. However, annually, the capital loses about 30 thousand people in various road traffic accidents. If a passenger were to use random routes every day, it would take them 21,000 years to become a victim of an accident.
"Yes, but that doesn't comfort me. I'm not surprised if the plane I'm on crashes," - thus, despite all the statistics, many passengers "console themselves". Take a break!
If, despite all logical arguments, such thoughts creep in, then you have no choice but to resort to relaxation methods. For example, you can listen to music or nature sounds, read a book.
In general, distract yourself from this situation somehow. As practice shows, many people are calmed down by delicious food and drinks, so take some good chocolate with you. However, it's better not to consume coffee on the plane, as caffeine can further affect the nervous system in such excitement. Instead of coffee, it's better to wash down the herbal sedative with water.
All these methods don't help you?
Then close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and visualize the purpose of your trip. Do you want to visit this wonderful country? Will this trip help you advance in your career? Then, sitting in the plane right now, take a decisive step towards future well-being.
An airplane is the safest mode of transportation in the world!
And finally, a bit about airplanes:
- - All systems in the aircraft are duplicated, and some even have 2-3 backup duplicates. Often, an aircraft has 4 braking systems, 3 landing systems, 3 fuel systems, 3 fire protection systems, 3 control systems, and so on.
- - A passenger aircraft has at least two engines. The failure of all engines is insignificant. For example, on average, one engine failure occurs every 2 million flight hours, which is equivalent to 228 years of continuous operation!
- - According to existing civil aviation requirements, a twin-engine aircraft should maintain the ability to fly without a decrease in speed (at normal flight weight, i.e., without overloads, and in normal weather conditions) and safely land after the failure of one engine. For example, in the famous Boeing 737, the standard time for emergency flight with one engine is 2 hours.
- - The engine is one of the most valuable parts of the aircraft. Its cost is about $10 million, so they are treated and serviced very carefully.
- - Every air crash has its own reason, and often not just one, but a combination of